Letter_to_POMBC_July_2021.docGreetings POMBC Members:
I have missed you and can’t wait to see you again.
Our Re-Entry Team and I have been working to welcome you back into the sanctuary for in-person worship services. From the beginning of the pandemic we have prayed for you and your safety and acted accordingly. We followed the mandates and guidelines established by public health authorities and transitioned our Sunday Worship Service, Prayer Meetings (Morning Manna), and ministry programs to virtual platforms. Various ministries have continued to keep us connected and involved via Facebook page, YouTube channel, emails, and telephone calls. Our church has communicated with you
through flocknote communication paging system providing text messages and announcements. We pray that you have felt our love, prayers and concerns as we all have dealt with COVID-19 and its challenges.
After much prayer, and based on the decrease in local infection rates and the guidelines issued by public health experts, we will return to in-person Sunday Worship Services starting
August 01, 2021 at 10:30am. I have been looking forward to the time that we return and I pray that you have
as well.
As we prepare to come back together as a church family, we remain committed to making sure that we protect your health during worship. Even though we have tried to think of everything, we are, nonetheless, committed to on-going evaluations of and updates to our plan. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and we pray that you will help us do just that.
Pleasant Olive, we are in this together! If you do your part and we do our part, we will get through this. Please know how very excited I am to welcome you back.
For His Glory,
Pastor E. Shaun Williams
Pleasant Olive Missionary Baptist Church | Waco
Please read the attached page to learn about our new safety and sanitization protocols and requirements.
Under Phase 1 of our re-entry plan, we will resume weekly Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:30am. At this time, there will be no other added in-person activities (ie. ministry meetings, funerals, fellowships, etc) and Youth Church will not be available until further notice.
Sanitization Protocols
We have contracted Driskell Carpet Service to do a deep cleaning of the church main sanctuary before resuming our Sunday worship activities.
We have scheduled Mr. C’s Pray & Spray Fumigation Service to provide COVID disinfection services before resuming our Sunday worship activities.
We have purchased disinfectant products, changed air conditioning filters, and cleaned touch points. Our custodial team and volunteers will ensure that the sanctuary, bathrooms, and other common areas are thoroughly cleaned before and after every worship service.
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be placed in various locations around the building for our convenience.
We ask that you not gather in the foyer, hallways, and outside the building after you exit.
Entering and Exiting the Building
You are welcome to park in any of the PO parking lots, but there will only be three (3) points of entry to the church.
1. The glass double doors in the front of the building (east side only)
2. The canopy metal door on the east wing of the building.
3. The back metal door on the east side of the building.
Doors will open at 10:00am and screening (mask/hand sanitized) will begin. Worship service and Livestream will begin promptly at 10:30am.
Once you have been screened, please follow the directions of the volunteers and ushers. We will be seating people according to available designated spots on every pew. The pews will be indicating only 2-4 people per pews. This means you will not be able to select your own seat. Please respect and heed the instructions of the ushers so that we can get everyone seated quickly and efficiently.
At the end of service you will be asked to exit row by row, from the same side of the sanctuary in which you are seated.
Safety Guidelines for Inside the Church Building
We will continue to observe responsible social distancing and masks will be required at all times when inside the building.
You may continue to utilize our online giving platforms, but if you would like to give your tithe and offering in-person, collection plates will be available at the end of service as you exit.
On Communion Sundays, elements will be available on a table in the foyer. If you are a baptized believer, please take one as you enter service. We will observe at end of worship.
Please keep in mind that much thought, prayer, planning and preparation has gone into the development of this re-entry plan. However, there may still be unforeseen challenges that arise as we go forward, and we ask that you please: “Be prayerful, Be patient, & Be Ready to Praise”.