“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
Psalm 23:1
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of Campaign 23?
The goal of this campaign is three-fold: 1. To raise money towards paying off current banking loan. 2. To put us in a position to better prepare for any future ministry opportunities. 3. To help free up resources to do more missional work in the city and community.

What is the meaning of Campaign 23?
We encourage members to give $23 per month (above tithes) towards this campaign.

Why are we beginning a new campaign now?
Now is the time to prepare for the future. We are now in a good position to begin preparing and planning for our future.

How will the banking loan be paid off?

Our goal is to fund this loan through a combination of our efforts from the campaign along with the church’s monthly installments.

When will the campaign start?
The campaign will begin July 2018, during our Church Anniversary month and continue until we have met our loan obligation.

How should I prepare to participate?
Allow God to speak to your heart through prayer. Read scripture passages that speak about stewardship and giving, such as 1 Corinthians 16:2, Proverbs 11:25, Proverbs 3:5-9,
2 Corinthians 8:7, Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38, and Psalm 116:12.

If I can’t give $23, does my commitment really matter?
All commitments matter, regardless of the amount. We all participate according to our ability, God multiplies our giving.

Can I give online for the Campaign?
Yes, members of the congregation will be able to make contributions to the campaign online by visiting www.pombc.org, click “ONLINE GIVING – “Building Fund” tab.

Gift Profile Guide:
If 1 member committed $23/month for 1 year = $276
If 50 members committed $23/month for 1 year = $13,800
[4 years = $55,200*]

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)